
吉岡刃物製作所では、初代喜八氏の洋裁鋏製造から始まり、現在は刈込鋏を中心に園芸用刃物の製造を行っています。 当方の鋏(はさみ)づくりは、目に見えない誤差や違和感を職人の技と経験で感じ取り、丁寧に修正と調整を行うことで仕上げています。
The origin is
the future
At Yoshioka Knife Mfg. Co., Ltd., we started with the production of dressmaking scissors by Mr. Kihachi, the first generation, and now we mainly manufacture cutting scissors for gardening. Our scissors making is finished by feeling invisible errors and discomfort with the skill and experience of craftsmen, and carefully correcting and adjusting.